As I wander out through the trees
I wonder why I had strayed so
far away from mother earth
I look around and I surrender
Surrender to the beautiful sound of birds welcoming in the spring
To the earth beneath my feet
The fresh air that fills my lungs
And the calm serenity that surrounds me
How we long to bask in the joys of nature like we did as a child
Watching our dens come alive with adventure and mysticism
Carefree and connected to it all
But I pause here for a moment
Dear one, you never needed to stop dancing through the long grass
Or dreaming of faraway lands
Inspired by nature's magic and magnitude
I bask in gratitude for all that I am
And all that I always was
It was never about becoming
It was never about searching,
It was always in the knowing
The knowing of the beauty that has always been mine
And now with each step forward
I stand tall
Grounded, raw and vulnerable
I need not wait until I can meet with nature again,
For I know that this powerful nature lies within every single one of us
